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Park Samà - one of the most beautiful romantic garden of the 19th century

"The Samà Park is a garden with memories, a mediterranean fruits garden, a poetic forest, a melancholy palais..."


The 14 hectare Parc Samà is the green oasis of Cambrils. Just a 15-minute drive north of the city's beaches, it offers a good break from Cambrils beach life.


In the park you will find Mediterranean orchards, small forests, waterfalls and even a summer palace from the 19th century. Very beautiful walks lead past olive, mandarin and almond trees to flower gardens and ponds with swans.


Feeding is allowed on some bird aviaries and animal enclosures.



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phone: +49 173 5602639

Yvonne Liedtke, Hasselfelder Weg 39, 12209 Berlin

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Yvonne Liedtke

You have questions about booking or you would like to have further information about the house, I`m happy to help you. 


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